Monday, January 07, 2008

Businessworld: Volume 27, Issue 34, Best Before 14 Jan 2008

This issue of Buisnessworld has a new look - all very nice and dandy. Then I look at the newly laid out, sharp and slick contents page. One irritant seems to have become even more prominent after the redesign. The top of the page says:

Businessworld 14.01.08

What! its only 7th Jan today. What the @#*$ do you mean "For the week 8-14 January 2008, Released on 7 January 2008." One, I don't believe it came off the press today and reached me in Bangalore. Two, I am pretty sure I could have purchased it from a news stand over the weekend (5-6 Jan). Third, what does it mean to say this issue is for the week 8-14 Jan? Should I not read it today? Should I shred it on 15th Jan? Silly commercial gimmick isn't it? - luring readers into picking up the copy even if it is a week old. Never mind the absurdity of a week that starts on a Tuesday (8th) and ends on a Monday (14th).

I guess its all part of the numbers game. Everyone does it so why be left behind? Dear BW, your content is good, I'd read that Tata interview even I came across this copy 6 months later. Go easy on the gimmicks.

A mildly irritated subscriber.